Soccer Field Rentals
Field Reservation Procedures for Plante’s Ferry Soccer Complex
All requests must be submitted by 5:00pm on the date(s) below:
- Submission due 03/05/2025 for March 31, 2025 (as weather permits) – May 31, 2025
- Submission due 05/07/2025 for June 1, 2025 – August 31, 2025
- Submission due 08/06/2024 for September 1, 2025 – October 31, 2025
*Field requests will be accommodated to the best of our ability in the order of reservation, however are not guaranteed until confirmed in writing by our office, Spokane Rapids @ Plante’s Ferry Sports Complex, and a signed rental contract has been received by the user.
In Partnership with Spokane County, the Spokane Rapids (Rapids) will strive to provide equal priority to balance local need/demand for use of the facility with hosting events and activities that draw tourists to Spokane County. In serving local demand, the Rapids shall extend the greatest priority for soccer fields to provide youth soccer programming services for boys and girls within the Rapids organization. Once Rapids needs are met priority is then followed by field time for other youth soccer affiliate organizations, then followed by other youth and adult sporting organizations and local community events, all the while, taking field maintenance, field wear & tear, and cost recovery thereof, into account.
Field Request Procedures:
- Soccer Fields are to be reserved by outside organizations by the first Monday of the month prior to the season being requested.
- All Field reservations are to made via email using the Plante’s Ferry Park Application and Usage Agreement for Non-Tournament Activities, along with the necessary supporting documentation per the agreement.
- Fields are reserved by requestors in season time blocks: Spring (March-May), Summer (June-Aug.), Fall (Sept.-Nov.), Winter (Dec.-Feb.).
- All Tournament field reservations are to be made via email using the Plante’s Ferry Park Facility Usage Application for Special Event Rentals
Field Allocation Procedures:
- The Spokane Rapids Board has authorized the Spokane Rapids Facility Coordinator the sole discretion to assign and schedule fields, approve or deny specific requests, and to reassign fields due to extenuating circumstances. The Spokane Rapids Facility Director will help the Spokane Rapids Facility Coordinator on field scheduling as requested by the Coordinator.
- The Spokane Rapids Facility Coordinator will do its best to assign fields to USER GROUPS to maximize field usage at Plante’s Ferry.
- In general, tournament or league games will take priority over practices. National, State or Regional Tournament applications are processed prior to league and practice requests. Past historical performance of the USER GROUP will go into the decision about new allocations (i.e. no outstanding bills, past payment performance, cancelation of field requests…)
- Spokane Rapids has sole discretion to assign and schedule all fields and shall have the authority to approve or deny specific requests as well as reassign fields due to extenuating circumstances.
- Spokane Rapids will take into consideration past performance of users, user longevity, and diversification of users in this order who have conflicting bookings, or lack of capacity to fulfill all booking requests, when determining field allocation. The Spokane Rapids will have final authority to resolve all disputes.
- Spokane Rapids may consider the primary sport the facility was built for to resolve/determine conflicting requests.
- Spokane Rapids may consider denying requests that compete with its recreational soccer program.
- Spokane Rapids may also consider equitable access for groups representing a variety of sports to resolve / determine conflicting requests.
Field Allocation Priorities:
- Tournaments-If the level or type of tournament changes after approval you must inform our department in writing before changing a date, level, or type of tournament. Violations of this section will result in your tournament selection being terminated or an additional fee being charged.
- Department sponsored programs
- National sanctioned tournaments
- Regional sanctioned tournaments
- State sanctioned tournaments
- Invitational sanctioned tournaments
- Spokane Rapids Recreational Programs take precedence on Plante’s Ferry Soccer Field locations. These programs will primarily be youth recreation soccer.
- Sport programs brought to the facility by the Sports Commission may supersede other organizations’ facility requests.
- Recreation youth athletic programs- where no participants get cut
- Club youth athletic programs- where there is a ‘try out’ process.
- National affiliate programs- sponsored youth or adult programs.
- New USER GROUP’s requests or “one-time” requests will be dealt with on an individual basis.
USER GROUPS must meet requirements as outlined within this document. Spokane Rapids will allocate the majority of fields to user groups that offer the broadest opportunity for participation to the citizens of Spokane County. Number of field units assigned to USER GROUPS will be based on:
- Priority outlined above
- Number of participants within user groups
- Total number of requests received
- Field availability
Field Scheduling Process Once the initial field allocation process is completed and groups have been allocated fields per the above priorities all fields are then allocated on a first come first serve bases regardless of where a particular group originally was placed on the priority scale.
- For cancellations or changes due to weather, user groups are responsible to re-request cancelled field space. User groups will be re-allocated field space according to where a particular group was originally placed on the priority scale